The great weather this weekend, plus Mom being in town made for niceness all around.
On Saturday we met Grandma and
Bampa at the
Deerfield library for an exhibition by the North Central O
Gaugers club. We spent almost an hour watching the trains go around.
Last night Pete and I took advantage of the built-in babysitter and went out to dinner and a movie. We saw The Namesake and quite enjoyed it except for the fact that we had to sit in the second row. I don't like when you have to physically turn your head to see the whole screen at a movie.
This morning Henry and Mom donned their ear protection and played some drums.
The rest of the day was spent in the backyard. Spring is really here!
Pete cleaned out the garage, Mom cleaned out the back porch, Henry worked in the sand and I ran around doing various things like making trips to the hardware store and Starbucks and putting Henry down for a nap.
I also took on this project:
I decided that I want this to be the spot for my vegetable garden, but it wasn't quite large enough. So I moved the bricks and started to dig up the sod. I called Pete in to help with the sod while I started placing the bricks around the new, larger plot. Above is the before, below is the after shot. It may not look like a lot, but it's a considerably larger spot and it took quite a bit of muscle. I've started some tomatoes and peppers from seeds inside. I also have peas and squash to try out this year. My first real attempt at vegetables from seed.
I also did some work on the back of the yard. I raked up the soil around the back fence and scattered seeds for some blue stem grass and several wild flowers. I found all of the seeds on a rack of native plants at a local garden shop. I think I'll go back for more. I'm very excited to see how they do.
Here's a photo of the back patio while everything was in full swing. We managed to get everything tidied up and back inside before dinner.
Dinner was chicken
tika masala with jasmine rice and wilted spinach. Pretty tasty. I found a good ready-made sauce at Whole Foods, which made everything quite easy.
We tried to watch Cars before bed, but everyone (Henry and Mom) got quite sleepy. It's only 8:10 now, but I'm wondering how much longer I'll stay awake...
And here, just because I feel like there was a dearth of fun Henry photos on this posting, is a photo of Henry with a Pull-Up diaper on his head. He did this entirely by himself. Then he spent a lot of time in front of the mirror laughing at himself.