So...I guess I got it out of my system with that last pity blog. Now I'll catch up a little bit...
Starting a week and a half ago....Pete went to Berlin for work, so Mom and Joyce came in town to visit and help out a bit. Here's Henry and Franklin playing train.
Mom decided to take some pictures while I made blueberry muffins. It might have been more helpful if she had just taken the baby...
Clara has started to enjoy Henry's piano. She is very musical.
Rob, Carrie and Eleanor came to visit for a bit. Henry convinced them to play Box.
Then I worked for several days. Then Pete came home. Meanwhile the RNC happened and gave me a stomach ache. Friday the kids and I went to the library to meet up with our new friends from across the street . Helena and I chatted quite a bit and the kids played until they got too rowdy for the library. Then we took them to the park. Clara likes swinging much more than Henry ever has!
That night we ate up some of our fresh tomatoes on BLTs.
Saturday night Liz stopped over to show us her shiny new ring and tell us the story of her engagement. Hooray! We're fans of Van.
Liz also asked Henry if he would like to be her ring bearer. He's SO excited. She also left him her rose corsage- (she had just finished singing at a wedding).
Here's a picture of Henry and Clara, enjoying each other's company.
Saturday night Henry and I baked a cake and Sunday morning we decorated it for Grandma Mary. It was her birthday on Sunday and she was coming over to spend the day with the kids while Pete and I went off to a wedding. Henry chose the colors and the decorations....I think he did a lovely job!
The wedding was on an organic farm and the food was awesome! Here is a simple, but delicious salad that was served as a second course.
Here are Pete and I- happy to be out with grown-ups and grown-up drinks.
And here I am with Shannon, a high-school friend of Pete's and a former Wiggleworms teacher of Henry's. We wish she and the family didn't live all the way out in Oak Park.
And is a "before" picture of our dining/living room. This is last night, as we had just started to pick up the living room to prepare for the flooring people coming this morning.
Here is Clara, all dressed for her day...We were pretty pleased with her cute little outfit- a second-hand corduroy dress and matching shirt, with her leg-warmers from Ellen and her knit sweater from Samantha. The rock and roll shoes don't exactly match, but she didn't seem to care. She was busy playing with her second-favorite toy.
Here's the living/dining room earlier this morning, with the surprise tiles. We should have known they would find something just wouldn't be our house otherwise.
And here it is again, just a little bit ago, with the fake wood floor partially installed. It's getting exciting!!!