Looks like we'll be using that pool water to water the plants this morning. Last night I awoke around 11:30 to a noise that sounded like someone had stumbled over one of Henry's buckets. I freaked out, thinking somebody was in our backyard. I sat up in bed, watching out the window for a bit, and could make out some dark shapes moving around. The shapes seemed small, fat and low to the ground...so I wasn't quite as spooked. When I heard splashing I decided to get out of bed and investigate more closely. I moved stealthily around to the family room where I could watch out the sliding door. Not seeing much, I switched out the outside light. After about 45 seconds a big fat raccoon came waddling out from the side bushes, making it's way to the back of the yard. Then another came out, smaller....followed by at least 3 more raccoons. I suspect it was a mama and babies. Kinda cute, kinda creepy...kinda makes me not want to put my son in that pool.
Note: These are not the actual raccoons from my yard.
there will be a replacement pool with a raccoon-proof cover (okay, i don't know if it'll really keep out raccoons) on its way to you soon!
um. that is the cutest thing i've seen in quite a while.
(let's just pretend rabies doesn't exist)
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