Henry had his last session of Wiggleworms today. He did some serious reading in the car on the way there. His current favorite car book is Goodnight Gorilla. He's very into goodnights. He also loves Goodnight Moon, but he doesn't have that one in the car.
There's one page in Goodnight Gorilla which is all black with several white speech bubbles...it's the animals saying "goodnight" to each other (or maybe to the zoo keeper...or his wife?) anyway, Henry gets to that page and he points to each speech bubble and says "goodnight, goodnight, goodnight". Brilliant.
At Wiggleworms Shannon brought out all of the good stuff.
Henry chose a banana-shaped shaker for the Shake Shake Shake song. Yes, he did try to eat it.
The bubbles were a hit, as always.
And then the big guns...the parachute! Henry loves to recline. You will notice that the other kids are sitting up, but Henry just lies back and enjoys the ride. Pardon the poor focus....I had the camera on the wrong setting.
I'm not sure yet what our next 'class' will be together. Henry's still a little young for the art classes. Shannon did mention that she's teaching some other music thing, so we might look into that. I'll keep you posted!
I have fond memories of the parachute... but from where?
Perhaps from PE with Mr. Lepic? I'm not entirely sure...
Seems like something we only did once...
Rob? Memories?
in one of my early grade school PE classes, all of us would hold the edges of the parachute then lift it up over our heads, take a few steps forward, then bring it down behind us and sit down on the edges so we were all inside of this big, inflated parachute bubble. did you do that, too?
it may be my best gym class memory ever (though rivaled by anthing involving scooters and doing archery in HS).
thanks for bringing back the pleasant parachute memories!
yes, we SO did that! brownies? i distinctly remember that now! what? your elementary school gym class didn't pay dodge ball 99% of the time, like we did? i can't believe the variety you speak of.
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