Okay- just in case you're tired of the subject of laundry, I'll try to couch it in amongst some other topics. This post is going to be photo-filled.
Here are the pretty red flowers I planted out front the other day. I'm so glad I got them. I might have to get a few more. Also- Dad is maybe going to make us some window boxes. Pretty soon we won't have the scrubbiest front yard on the block anymore.
This one is for Joyce....
On Tuesday I got to pick Henry up from school (usually Pete's job, as it's on the way to and from work for him). We may or may not have stopped at Ben and Jerry's on the way home. Henry would not stand still to have his picture taken with this lion.
And now- laundry. A few things I've been mulling over....
1) Samantha said that everything but adult undies go on her clothes line. I must say, with the fabulous Breezecatcher, you can hide the adult undies in the middle quite nicely!
2) A conundrum. I always use the cold water settings for all of my laundry. With regular clothes this is still fine. However, for things like baby-butt wipes and dishtowels (not laundered together) I've relied on the germ-killing heat of the dryer. Should I now switch to washing those things in hot water? Please advise.
3) Last night I left a load of laundry out overnight- mostly out of laziness. Neither possums nor raccoons absconded with our clothes. I may have seen a squirrel wearing a pair of Pete's boxers, though.
4) I let Henry decorate my clothespin bag. On the front is this lovely family portrait.
Drawing color-coded for ease of identification: I am red (and pretending to be a camel- according to the artist) Henry is blue and stepping over (not on) Clara, who is purple. Pete is green. We all have purple hair. Franklin is yellow with lots of hair and Linus is green. This is maybe my all-time favorite piece of Henry's artwork.
And here is the back; a lion with many feet. Please note that the far right foot is "taking a big step".
5) Will and I had a conversation about which type of clothespins are best. This kind:
Or this kind... he recommended the former, as they don't require manipulation. I tend to agree.
However, this one is no good....
And I can't make this one work...
This morning Henry helped me push Clara for a windy walk.
Then we went to gymnastics. They have raised the bar.
Clara enjoyed watching.
Here's Henry being a "shark monster". His pal on the balance beam had been playing shark under the beam while Henry went across. Henry is not a fan of sharks, and got a little teary with the other boy's exuberance. I guess this was his retaliation.
There were only 3 kids today. They like ending with the scooters.
And Clara again...
On the way home we got stuck by the train.
But Henry had his snack and his post-gymnastics water bottle.
And we had a lovely view of the Save Ferris water tower. So we were fine.
And here's a photo for Joyce....who loves the thumb sucking pictures. As do I.
Finally- a little video from our walk this morning.
Okay....here are my thoughts: yes, use at least the warm water (that's why God gave us water heaters), use the springy clothes pins....I think you will find that they don't "pinch" your clothes in a teary sort of way and will work better with the thicker stuff. Keep those thumb sucking photos coming. I love Henry yelling at the ducks and also your beautiful red flowers!
I don't think you need to worry about killing germs in your laundry. Use hot water if you want but don't do it because it might be sanitizing your laundry. If you're really worried about germs use a tiny amount of bleach when you wash. But I really don't think it's an issue. Most germs don't live well in dry environments and UV light is a great killer of microorganisms.
I thought adult underwear meant "adult" underwear. If it just means regular underwear rest assured that nobody has ever complained about my blown out boxers hanging out for the whole neighborhood to see.
You could try a cold water laundry detergent. My favorite brand is Biokleen--they're a local company for us, maybe there is a local company by you? http://biokleenhome.com/products/household/laundry
I tell you their bac-out product is great for baby and animal messes.
I have to say that Will is right about the germs. Being the queen bee of bacteria in the family, I can tell you that they do need moisture to survive. If you want to go with warm water, that will be a nice compromise between hot and cold. Besides, some bacteria can survive hot temperatures, which is why we autoclave all of our trash at 260 degrees C (which is way hotter than anything you are using in your washing machine). The important thing is to get he organic material out of the wipes so the bacteria don't have anything to thrive on. I disagree with him on the clothes pins though. Jeans are tricky to hang outside with those non-springy kind and you have kind of fold some of your clothes over the line to use them. We have both, but I don't use the non-springy kind until I'm out of the others. Also watch out for white clothes and older clothes pins - they can leave marks on those lovely whites. I hide my undies in the middle too - or behind Will's boxers!
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