are some recent pictures of the kids (Clara mostly) while I tell you about her physical therapy.
Mostly BethAnn spent the time chatting and trying to get Clara to feel comfortable with her. She showed her several of her toys, let her play with them and watched how she moved. She told me some things and let me ask questions.
Her determination is that Clara has "low muscle tone" which is a term I've heard before. Usually I associate the term with skinny little babies, which Clara decidedly is not. BethAnn said it has nothing to do with that. She said there's no nutritional factor or other cause. She said it's just a body difference. She said "it's kind of like how some people will become Olympic atheletes and others won't". So...I guess I feel good that there doesn't really seem to be anything we did wrong.
We also did some playing where we held a toy up so Clara had to really extend her arm as far up as she could to reach it. I think overall BethAnn seemed pleased with the things she's doing it sounds like we're not going to have to be teaching her anything brand new...just getting her to use the muscles that she's been avoiding using a bit.
I guess that's about it.