For those of you seeking an update...Henry is doing much better now that he has his amoxycillin (sp?). Clara has been a little so-so with a mild fever and some coughing. I took her to the doctor this morning and her strep test came back negative. Henry's not contagious anymore, so maybe we're in the clear. Or maybe Clara will still get sick, since it can take several days to incubate. Her cough has switched from sounding kind of croup-y to sounding more phlegmy. The doctor did say her throat looks a bit sore, but it's probably just a virus. She does have her regular 2-year check up on Thursday, so we'll probably still go in for that just to get her stats and re-check her throat if she's still coughing or feverish.
Thanks for the update....good you took her in considering the strep Henry had. Glad H is feeling better.
funny verification: orkium
Thanks, Mom.
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