It just won't stop. It snowed a "measurable amount" again last night. Oy!
Here is Franklin demonstrating the depth of the snow. Notice, he's also making P in the snow...heh heh.
So, we've had to get a little creative with our time, in order to not drive each other crazy. Yesterday we went to the Children's Museum and renewed our membership. They have a new (temporary) Clifford exhibit, which was much cuter than I anticipated.
Henry could have stayed all day and played with the conveyor belt which took giant foam bones to Clifford's giant food dish.
I decided that today we would do some cooking together. First, Henry browsed through his cookbook (
Salad People) and chose some recipes.
Then he made a shopping list.
He started strong with "pie shells" but things got a little illegible with "scallions" and "milk". We were planning to make a quiche for dinner and salad people for lunch.
Before going to the store I managed to get a cute photo of Henry and Clara together...of course, she was sleeping...
After returning from the store I set Henry up with some new window markers. He did a little bit of window art while I prepped for Salad People Assembly. My main goal was that this would brighten up our view a little bit...
Here Henry begins work on his edible art.
And here he is about to dive in. He ate everything but the cottage cheese...which he tried to spit back out on his plate. He insisted he didn't want his salad person to have hair. He had a variety of other options, but wanted to keep it simple.
I'll let you know how the quiche goes tonight!