The report is that she's doing pretty well. Her lungs sound pretty good. Her breathing is much easier. She may still cough for a month or so, but it doesn't seem to bother her too much.
She's now weighing in at 11 lbs., 13 oz. Up from 9 at birth. Her weight, length and head are all in the 95th-97th percentile. No surprises there!
Last night she slept from 10PM until 4:30AM, which was pretty great!
And now here is a series of photos from last night's photo shoot. I was trying to get just one good shot of Henry and Clara together (wearing their matching pants from Aunt Joyce) but even though they were both fresh from their baths and looking cute, neither was in the mood for pictures. Here's a sampling of what I came up with:
Thanks for the photos so I can see the duo in their matching pants! Cute! Henry looks a bit overwhelmed....kind of like "why are they doing this to me"....but at the same time taking care of his sister. Nice to see.
The last one's my fave. And the pants are "way"!
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