This weekend Will and Sandy came to stay and Rob and Carrie came to town too. They spent Saturday with us. Somehow we managed to not get a single picture of all three cousins together! This was their first time all together too...
We did a lot of sitting around.
And chatting. I think Carrie and Sandy and I were looking up knitting patterns here.
There was lots of playing to be done as well. Henry and Eleanor played stacking blocks.
And Will helped Henry take his marble game to a whole new level, incorporating his small stool and his blocks. There were many amazing feats of marble engineering.
Fast forward to last night: When Pete got home from work we all bundled up and walked over to the jr. high to do some primary voting. It was Clara's first walk in the baby bjorn. You should have seen this picture before I took out Henry's red-eye. Funny little story: while we were there Henry was looking at a piece of student art on the wall (like I said- we were at the jr. high) and he said "Mom, where's the boat?" I said "What do you mean? Because it looks like water? You think there should be a boat there?" He said yes- and we pretty much dropped the conversation. Then, when we were outside walking home he asked me "Mom? Will we get
in the boat?" And all of a sudden I realized he had thought we were saying Boat when we were saying Vote. Poor little guy. It must be hard to figure out this weird grown up world.
Here's the Clara photo for today. Love the outfit! Thanks to Jonah's mommy for that. You might notice she looks a little bit puffy. Poor girl was born into a house of colds and now has her own little stuffy nose and cough.
And finally, here are the boys this afternoon. Pete left work early due to all the crazy snow. He picked up Henry and after napping they went outside to make the skinniest snowman ever, before running back in when the winds picked up. Here they are enjoying some cocoa and cookies.
Now I'm off to make dinner! Tomorrow I go drapery shopping with my mother in law. Wish us luck in shopping and stay tuned for photos of those adventures and the results.
That is a wonderful outfit Clara is wearing indeed. It was a day for cocoa (well, okay, hot tea) and cookies here in Iowa as well!
I'm glad you boated!
Oh poop....I was hoping to see a photo of the three cousins. I can't believe NO ONE took a photo of them together.
And, where the heck is a photo of the "skinniest snowman ever"?
Love the Henry boat story. Hilarious!
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