Monday, September 08, 2008

Woe is me...

I know I haven't been blogging....being back at school is kind of kicking my butt. Days like today are especially hard. We had a very busy day yesterday- ending with a wedding and getting home late. Then today I had to work. Both kids were fussy from less sleep and (on Henry's part) more sugar than they're used to. Then, while I was making dinner, Henry discovered a half-dead mouse on the living room floor. One of the pets must have gotten to it. And Franklin pooped on the rug (that we're not replacing) because he didn't want to go outside in the rain. Then I realized there was msg in the soup I used in the tuna noodle casserole, so now I have an awful headache and just want to go to bed. But I have lots of school planning to do for the week, plus packing bags so the kids are ready in the morning. Tomorrow is picture day for me at school so I'll need extra time to get ready. We also need to pack up our china cabinet and bookshelf in the next two nights because the people come to install laminate floor in our living/dining room on Wednesday.
So. Poor me. But now you know why I'm not blogging-or, for that matter, responding to your emails, probably. (How about that sentence formation?)
But the exciting news in the family is that Liz got engaged to Van (sparkly ring photos to come) and our new nephew finally has a name. Anders Wilson (insert last name here). We love him. His name fits his little towhead perfectly. Click on Sandy and Will's link for excess amounts of adorableness.


Anonymous said...

Oh Betsy....Do you remember/know the book Terrible Horrible No Good Very Bad Day? I think that is what you had. Yikes. Hope tomorrow is a better one.


Mama Tchou-Tchou said...

Hang in there, li'l mama...!