Saturday, November 19, 2011

One Little Indian

 Henry's class had their Thanksgiving feast yesterday. The kids got to sign their parents up for what they wanted us to bring. Henry put me in charge of pumpkin pie. We made two on Thursday night, but my little recipe reader forgot to read me the directions that say to turn the heat down after the first 15 minutes. So the crusts got a little dark. I shouldn't blame him, though...I should have remembered that step myself.
First all the classes lined up in the gym, sang a turkey song and named some things they are thankful for.

 They all sat down with the placemats they had made.
 There was lots of food to be had. That's Henry's teacher, Mrs. Corona, in the black.
 Clara was right there at her brother's elbow, as always.
 I think all of the little Pilgrims and Indians had a fun time!

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