Sunday, April 22, 2012

Treehouse Days 2 and 3

Friday and Saturday saw more progress on the tree house. Bampa came over and braved the chilly, damp weather.
Bart the Gnome oversaw the saw. Meantime, Pete was in bed with some sort of stomach bug.
Saturday morning we all fueled up with some blueberry buckwheat pancakes.
Then everybody got back in on the action. Here's Henry removing tags from the ends of boards.
Here's a peek of Dad up through the trapdoor...or is it through the soon-to-be secret hidey-hole?
Here's the view from the back of the tree house, looking across the yard.
Clara had drawn up some plans and handed them up through the floor to Grandpa.
The kids were very excited to get up amongst the birds.
Henry spent some time stacking and playing with scraps of wood. Clara brought her plans over to show him as well.
Here's how things were looking Saturday afternoon.
Pete was feeling mostly better. He did some sanding to make the rungs of the ladder safe and comfortable.
After working on Saturday, Dad and I went out to Lowes and Menards. Got more boards and ate a few gummy bears. That brings us up to Sunday!

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