Thursday, June 28, 2012

Catching up on June

I figured I should do a little catch up before we go on our big adventure. 
Last weekend was fun, with Amber's family in town for a wedding. They didn't stay with us, but we did get to see them a few times. We had hot dogs in the back yard and played some games on Friday night. Then on Saturday I had the pleasure of hanging out with little Louisa while everyone else attended a wedding reception. She wasn't very happy about going to bed for me, but Amber gave me the green light to put her in the car if needed, and that did the trick immediately. 

This past week has been busy. It feels like someone in the family has had a medical/pre-natal/dental appointment every day this summer. Monday was Pete's turn for a fun procedure at the hospital to try to figure out some of his gut issues. He rallied that night, though, and we met up with his parents and Liz and Vivian for a night at Ravinia. I didn't take too many photos, but this one captures the coolness of the evening. We were there for Esperanza Spalding. It was a great show, but both kids cashed out. 
 Tuesday night was Henry's last baseball game of the season. He got some good hits and did some fine fielding. I was most proud of him when he got out at second base and handled it well. Pete and I could see him taking some deep breaths- but there were no tears!

Vivian came to watch the game for a bit too. She was pretty okay with Pete...until she wasn't. 

Clara did lots of loving on her cousin. Hugging babies and toddlers is her specialty.
 Mostly Vivian was just go-go-go!
Last night was great fun as Kevin and Beth were in town from Belize. We only get to see them about once a year now. Unfortunately, with our packing and craziness we were just able to spend an afternoon with them, but we tried to make the most of it. It was hot, so while we waited for Pete to come home the kids played in the pool and then we dragged the little one over so adults could cool their feet while chatting. The kids wanted in on that action too...and Henry shared his Garfield books. 
Once Pete got home we all went out for sushi. It was delicious. 
Even though we had plenty to eat at dinner, I felt like the night called for ice we ended the evening with a stop at Baskin Robbins and a little playing at the Village Green. That should tide us over until we get to see them again next year! 

And now, stay tuned for short mobile posts from the road!

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