Monday, July 09, 2012

Another long day

I didn't take any more phone photos until this one today, but it pretty well sums things up. We spent from about 9am-5pm at the park today. We started at the visitor's center, but left early to catch a bus over to Shrine of the Ages where a ranger program was going to start for the kids. Before it began I had a chance to wander around the park cemetery a bit. I saw the grave of Emery Kolb (and his wife and daughter, Edith-didn't see his brother, though he's supposed to be there too) also Widforss (an artist, I think?) and several long-time rangers.
Henry and Clara enjoyed the presentation given by Ranger Bob (who used to be the principal at The Grand Canyon school) and when it was finished they were sworn in as Grand Canyon junior rangers. After that we had a little lunch, then rode the shuttle bus all the way out to Hermit's Rest, another building by Mary Colter and a cool view of the canyon. When we took the shuttle back we hopped off at Powell point to see the Powell memorial and get our last great view of the canyon. It was a cool stop, but the sun was SO hot. Henry had done really well all day, but both kids were getting pretty tired and we were feeling a little cautious with him. Unfortunately, we had to wait through two full shuttle buses before one let us on (thanks, Bus Driver Patsy!) I was a little embarrassed that people kept feeling the need to offer their seats to me, but I did accept the offer once or twice. When we finally made it all the way back to the visitor's center, it was a lot more crowded than before. We enjoyed the movie in the cool theater, then visited the bookstore where we grabbed a condor mobile, but we're out of luck for the Grand Canyon poster we wanted. We decided to order one online. After a final bathroom stop we said goodbye to the canyon and got in the car. After our ten minute drive to the pizza place for dinner (Pete loves the name-We Cook Pizza and Pasta) Clara was asleep and I took this photo. She rallied for dinner, and the pool and now we are all in bed. Fingers crossed for no puking tonight!

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