Friday, April 19, 2013

Growing Boy

Here's how Henry's room used to look...still with the sweet animal quilt and valances he had since he was a baby. Bit by bit he's been posting other things on his walls and I had asked him a few times whether he wanted to start redecorating. He resisted for a while, but in the last several months had decided he was ready for a more grown-up look. 

He started with a Hobbit poster he made, an Angry Birds poster he chose at the book fair and a poster from Phineas and Ferb.

We found him some more grown-up curtains, (which are still cute with a subtle polka-dot circle design)  and some dinosaur and space wall decals. A couple days ago the piece de resistance came in...the new Hawkeye flag. So this is how his room looks now:
I'm sure it will only be a few more years before the planets and dinos feel a little young for him too... Sigh. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nice changes. Mom, are you prepared for the pinup years? My mother had strategies for that, if you need them.

Grandpa Bill