Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Oh man...I should do a blog post...

We have done so many things! Mom came and we went to the zoo...
We celebrated my birthday...

Joyce came and we went to Clara's 'graduation'. 
We even took Henry out of school to celebrate with us. 
We took a spontaneous trip to see the Shaumburg Boomers. 
Clara and Frederick and I joined Henry and his class for an end-of-the-year picnic.

At some point Clara and Frederick had a doctor visit...Clara for an ear infection, Frederick for a persistent cough. 
We made storm pie. 
 We sent Henry off for his last day of second grade. 
 We celebrated the first day of summer break by getting donuts and signing up for the summer reading program. 
We played with Maeve. 
And we played with Vivian. 
We hung a praying mantis egg sac in our front bush. 
We went to Iowa City for Arts Fest and convinced Will, Sandy and Anders to come down too. 
We loved our time with cousins. 
Henry got sick and had to spend some time back at Rob and Carrie's with Grammie. Clara took advantage of the solo time by getting her face painted. (I'd never seen her so patient and non-whiny as she waited at least 45 minutes in line for this.) 
 We even got some grown-up time! 
 Rob came out Friday night for Richard Thompson, but was too tired to join us Saturday night for Old 97's. 
 It was also Amber and Jeff's 11th anniversary, so we celebrated with them a bit. 
We tried to get some new photos for Pete for father's day. We were unsuccessful, but this one is sort of fun to share. 
And, finally, we made our first trip to the pool. 
 I was anxious about trying to juggle all 3 kids by myself, but we went to the farther away pool, which is all one kiddie-to-deeper pool. It worked out pretty well. 
 Frederick wasn't sure at first, but eventually he loved it. 
That brings us up to date! 

1 comment:

Heather said...

Hi I'm Heather! Please email me when you get a chance, I have a question about your blog! LifesABanquet1(at)