Saturday, September 28, 2013

Other Fun Stuff

We had fun at the zoo with Aunt Joyce last Saturday. Pete wasn't feeling well, so he missed out on the fun. Our weather was lovely. 
 We used our member tickets to enjoy the dolphin show. Frederick really loved watching the dolphins and signed 'more' when the dolphins were jumping.
 We all enjoyed watching the giraffes. They have 2 babies. One is 10 months, the other is just about 3 months old.
 Here are a few more photos from Frederick's birthday party. The kids played trains and used party hats to act like chickens.

Helena enjoyed some time with the birthday boy. 

 And Grandpa got some quality time in, of course.
Monday was picture day for these beautiful children. 

 I stated before that I stayed home from work on Wednesday. I was able to count it as a sick day, since I  was taking Henry to an orthodontist appointment. Surprise! He got his braces off!! We didn't know he was quite ready, so it was a happy surprise! We celebrated with lunch at Little Louie's before I took him back to school.
 I tried to get Frederick to take a birthday nap with me. He was acting pretty tired. But once we laid down he just wanted to play play play! Here he is, checking out a package of diapers.
 Grammie cut up some mango and then let Frederick gnaw on the pit. He loved it.
 Pete and I picked out a toy plane for Frederick's birthday gift. He loves it! He really likes to spin the propeller.
 Here's how I caught the little guy a couple of days ago...blurry, because he was in action. One shoe on, one shoe off and throwing magnets and balls into the washing machine. He also really likes to do recycling. Today he kept throwing his nuk in the recycling container.
 This morning, after scrambled eggs and coffee at home, we grabbed a couple of donuts and went to the Botanic Garden. It was a beautiful morning to be there.
 The big kids found an inside-the-tree hideout. I wanted to play in there too.
 Frederick kicked back for a nice long nap.
 After the garden, the big kids had dentist appointments and then we all went out to Des Plaines for a belated birthday visit to the Choo Choo diner. We couldn't quite remember if we had ever taken Clara there. The last visit we remembered was when we took Henry on the day that he got to make Clara's teddy bear (before she was born). We all enjoyed the cheeseburgers and the train that brought them to us. Frederick did lots of pointing and babbling.
 Pete and I didn't think we'd fit in the little engine ride, but the kids were all able to get their tushies in there.

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