Wednesday, December 07, 2005


So here's how I decided on the title...right now I'm reading Running With Scissors, a memoir by Augusten Someoneorother and in it there is a girl who frequently does "bible dips". When she has a question she opens the bible to a random spot, puts down her finger, and whatever she lands on becomes the answer to her question. So instead of a bible dip I did a Peanuts dip....seemed a little more suited to my life and philosophy. First I thought Pooh, but everyone does Pooh. Not to discount Pooh...I still think AA Milne is a wizard and a champ. So I did a Peanuts dip and the first thing I came upon (from the book of the first 4? years of Peanuts) was someone saying "It's where you keep the things that you will need when you get married". I didn't think that quite fit, so I dipped again. Not sure if that's breaking the rules or going against the cosmic flow or what, but I did it anyway. And what I came up with next was "And Don't You Forget It, Either!" That seemed a little more suited to a blog, which seems to be a bit of a journal of sorts anyway. Not sure if I want to stick with feels a bit bossy and self-important. Both of which I tend to be, but loathe. Who is checking my spelling here anyway? Does having a blog mean I have to use computer geek lingo?

1 comment:

amber c. said...

oh yay! i already like it! excellent dip, i think. and build up to it. you click on photo icon while typing up your blog (top of blog box, to the left).