This may be the first ever photo shoot of me and my brothers plus our spouses and our kids. You can see that it was even more challenging than trying to get a picture of the 4 cousins together.
Not the first ever, but great ones nevertheless. I have some of the same gang from about one year ago. Anders was tiny then, and Clara was not yet a year old.
Not the first ever, but great ones nevertheless. I have some of the same gang from about one year ago. Anders was tiny then, and Clara was not yet a year old.
This series of pictures cracks me up! I love it.
Pretty funny. I like the third one, where something was apparently hilarious to Sandy and Pete, but not so funny to anyone else, especially Clara.
You should have seen us trying to get a photo of my grandmother and her 18 grtgranchildren!
I laughed when I saw how bundled you all were. It is going to be in the mid60s here today.
You have a giraffe in the family? He sits so nice in all the photos!
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