Friday, May 06, 2011

More Baseball

Henry took me to a Cubs game today as a sort of early mother's day present. I picked him up from school and we drove down to the Skokie Swift, transferred to the Red Line and ended up with this bear in front of Wrigley Field.  
Here's Henry in front of the Billy William's statue. I think this is new.

Our seats were way up high, but we had a very nice view. The day was a little cloudy and windy, but not really cold.  It was a good day for a hot dog, and the cool weather meant I didn't have to drink warm Budweiser.
 Here's Henry with the scoreboard in the back. You can see that the ivy is still brown from the winter. Also, you can tell that these pictures were taken on my phone, as they aren't the best quality.
For about the last 4 innings Henry looked like this....with his nose in a book. My brothers (and assorted other people) still tease me for having habitually taken books to Hawkeye football and basketball games when I was a kid, but I think there are worse habits to have.
 Sadly, the Cubs lost to the Reds. It wasn't a blowout, though, and they kept the game interesting. We got home around 6 o'clock and now Henry's out in front throwing a ball around with his dad.


joyceetta said...

A fun afternoon! tell....what was the lad reading?

Anonymous said...

It looks to Grammie like Henry has lost more teeth?