Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Why I may seem quiet...

I think if you're a reader of this blog you probably already know that we're without power. Today is day 3, and they're saying it may be another couple days at least until our power is back. We had a "derecho" storm Monday morning. It didn't seem too bad from our perspective, and it was quick, but I guess the wind got very powerful for a bit there. Chicagoland had over 800,000 without power. So, we have a long extension cord going across the street to our friend's house and that's powering our fridge. We had also brought some things over to Sharon's house to put in the freezer, just in case. I say "brought" because the kids and I are at Sharon's right now. She's out of town for a while and said that we could move in if we wanted to. We haven't gone that far, but I have spent the morning here, powering my phone, doing laundry, roasting a chicken...
I'm also trying to catch up on email a little bit and take care of other general online things. But I think I'll take the easy way out and just direct you to Dad's blog for pictures from our trip to Wisconsin. There's a link to his blog on the right, if you aren't already familiar with that.
In the meantime, we are remembering to be thankful for all of the things we have. This is just a very, very minor inconvenience in the grander scope of life.

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