Thursday, October 18, 2012


A couple Saturdays ago we woke up and decided it was pumpkin time. We took all 3(!) kids to breakfast at Walker Brothers for pancakes. I had pumpkin. Yum! Then we went to Wagner farm to wander around a bit in the cold and choose some pumpkins. 
 Frederick wore his Halloween outfit that Marni sent to him. Trick or Treat!
The next Monday was Columbus day, so the kids were home from school. It also happened to be Marshmallow Day! Pete stayed home to celebrate with us. We started our morning with hot chocolates and mochas at Caribou. The weather was so nice we went across to the park for a bit. Henry made his own Mt. Rushmore in the sand. 
 Later, the kids and I made Rice Krispy treats. I'm not sure I had ever made them before, because they really aren't my favorite- but I have to say that when they are fresh and you've made them yourself, they really are a pretty tasty treat! Also- note that the kids, completely of their own accord, got themselves dressed all in white for marshmallow day.

Here's a cute photo of Frederick. You can still see a little bit of the blood spot that was in his right eye for his first few weeks.

This last weekend Rob, Carrie, Eleanor and Penny came to meet their new family member. We watched the Hawks pull out a miraculous win in double overtime, and then we went to Dave's Italian Kitchen for dinner. Here we are, waiting for our table. 
We got the perfect table in the back corner. Frederick slept for most of the meal, but he did need to be nursed for a bit as we were finishing up. I had memories of nursing Henry in the bathroom when he was about the same age. I've always felt ashamed of myself for not just throwing a blanket over my shoulder and nursing Henry in the booth. Of course, I was a much younger mother then... 
Here's Frederick showing off his new hat from Aunt Carrie. He's making a funny face here, but he does look very cute in the hat. 
 Sunday night we had more visitors. Dad and Kathie came to meet Frederick. They've been hosting some friends from Australis who are touring the US, so they all came over, as well as Pete's parents. Dad and Frederick pretty quickly formed a mutual admiration society.
 The big kids also wanted a little attention. You can see how much Henry enjoys showing off his little brother. Margaret isn't actually drinking 2 glasses of wine- she was just holding one for someone.
 Frederick had a bath today and then we tried to have a photo shoot. You can really see his current eye color in this picture.
 I like how this picture shows the way Frederick sometimes just drops himself down to try to nurse when you're holding him. You can also see his sweet hair. And on the shelf in the background is the cute bear painting Dad and Kathie brought for him.
 Just Frederick and his papa.

1 comment:

joyceetta said...

I really enjoyed this whole post....but I have to say....seeing those photos of Frederick made my day...he is changing so much already. Don't let him grow up too much before I meet him in person.