Saturday, March 25, 2006


Henry wore his Rockstar t-shirt to see Justin Roberts at Borders yesterday. He was asleep at first when we got there, but he woke up after a couple of songs. Then he sat there, very attentive, with a slightly furrowed look to his brow. Before he awoke some woman next to me said "I'm just curious, why did you bring him if he's sleeping?" She was one of those people who ask you a question but don't really want to hear the answer, they just want to make a point by asking it. I wanted to smack her, but I just said "well, he wasn't asleep when we left and he really likes music". A better response would have been a silent stare until she realized how bitchy she sounded. Sorry for the mean language...I just get so annoyed with people like this. Otherwise we quite enjoyed the show. Justin had a cold, and he didn't sing Hey Hippopotamus, but it was still fun. Henry explored other rockstar pursuits yesterday as well. He played Daddy's drum for a while. He tried to put the wrong end of the earphones into his ear and he dragged the headphones over to the stereo and proceeded to try to plug them in to the correct spot after only seeing Pete do this one time. Any time any music is on the boy is bouncing, bopping and conducting. He also has an excellent shimmy move that I cannot imitate for the life of me. And did I mention that he says "Mom" now? My favorite. He says it loud and clear all day long. The other night he even said it in his sleep.

1 comment:

Carrie and Rob said...

My response: Hey, why don't you pay attention to the show instead of MY child? Mind your own f-in business.
