Thursday, June 26, 2008

Thursday Morning Videos

Henry has been rocking out to Van Halen lately... (note: Henry sings "I can't wait to feel your heart tonight" whereas the real lyrics are "I can't wait to feel your love tonight")

Here's a clip from bowling...

And a little taste of swimming lessons...


amber c. said...

Henry really cracks me up. Was he playing a little clarinet during that song? Also, that bowling alley is de-luxe!

Anonymous said...

so much to comment on here!
i love...

-henry's nonchalant head-bobbing while rocking out and thumbs-up at the end of the bowling clip

-the rockin' spirit fingers in the middle of the VH rock-out

-the play on "friday night videos". i used to tape it every week--it was on way past my bedtime