Saturday, March 13, 2010

Holes and other things

Henry's second tooth came out yesterday. He had been working on it for a while and then it popped out while he was watching Sesame Street.
This is just a picture of Clara trying to distract Pete from the Battleship game he was trying to play with Henry.
And this is apropos of nothing. Just a picture of what our coffee table usually looks like these days.
And this is Henry playing with a chair.
This morning we finally hung up the set of glow-in-the-dark planets Henry and Clara had gotten for Christmas. We imagined that the air vent was the sun and spaced them out from there. At first we mixed up Mercury and Mars, but I think we got it all sorted out. We'll be very excited to see them glow tonight.
We also put some holes in the walls in our bedroom to (also finally) hang some pictures. It may look as if I have a stash of tea canisters next to my side of the bed. Actually, Clara was just playing with her grocery cart while I was trying to sleep in a bit and she decided to empty the cart on my bedside table. She also tucked the Gertrude doll in next to me...she's still there in the picture, in case you're looking Eleanor!
Henry received a $2 bill from the tooth fairy for his 2nd tooth. What a clever tooth fairy.
Here's another photo apropos of nothing. Can anyone tell me what is shooting out from my little plant? Or what this plant is called? It's an offshoot of a plant that's been in the family since Court Street days, but I've never seen it do this before!
And finally, Will you may want to avert your eyes. I was starting to make the dough for cinnamon rolls for tomorrow. I thought I'd wing it a little since I didn't have whole milk. Turns out that one should not attempt to scald buttermilk. I made cottage cheese. It was nasty. Fortunately I have a husband who doesn't mind running to the store for me for the 2nd time in one morning. The rolls will now be made properly.


joyce said...

I'm thinking that perhaps the ancestor of your plant was one of my houseplants....when I occupied the green fern bedroom. And, my dear, your plant is about to bloom!
Henry is without two teeth! Oh my!

Joyce said...

oops....forgot to say I LOVE the planets! Also: