Friday, June 11, 2010

Last Day!

This big guy had his last day at day care/pre-school this week. Raise your hand if you can't believe he'll be at kindergarten in the fall.Do you think the two would let me get a good picture?
Just one, where they're both looking at the camera and not showing off their underthings?
Maybe over by the tree?
Wait, there's a stick...
Sticks are fun.
How about a couple of cheesy smiles?
Finally we gave up and drove to school. Henry's best pal Ryan was on his way inside too, so we got a picture with him.
We tried for another one with Clara. Granted, it was a little sunny in their faces...
Here's Henry in his classroom.
Here he is in his cubby.
And pointing to the crayons and legos.
I love the look on his face here.
And finally, standing by his cot, which probably did not see a lot of Henry with closed eyes.

In other "growing up" news, Clara made her first poop on the toilet this morning!!!!


amber c. said...

My hand is raised. And also, I want to go to Henry's school. That looks like so much fun! Go, Clara! My daughter is biting my legs!

Jennifer Yerkes said...

That. Looks. Like. An. AWESOME. School!

And BRAVO to Clara!