Wednesday, June 09, 2010


We're still here, just feeling a little swamped. The end of school means working a full week for me (I know, shocking, how could I even survive?) and alternate arrangements for the kids. We've also had lots of social occasions, spending time with neighbors and Sharon and the girls returning. We moved Clara to a big-girl bed and that's made bedtime more challenging and drawn-out. We went to IC for the weekend for Arts Fest and stayed in Amber and Jeff's basement suite. Now Pete's been out of town for a few nights for work. So everything is great, but by the time I get the kids down and have a seat on the couch I hardly want to look at my computer- and that's also when I'm trying to catch up on the five-or-so knitting projects I have to finish soon! Here are some photos of some of the aforementioned things. And now I have to run off and tidy up the 3rd bedroom for Will to sleep in tonight. Oh and something about dinner....

1 comment:

Joyce said...

I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the two pics of the girl cousins....especially the one taken from behind. Those pigtails and little legs just slay me! Also....hope Henry does well with saying goodbye to Poco Loco....the first of many goodbyes and endings for him