Saturday, September 11, 2010

A Brand New Car!!

This morning we had our last drive in the CRV... the rain.
The kids spent some time in the toy room and a little "quiet" time on the floor.
Finally we drove away in our new minivan!!
The kids got balloons for their nice behavior.
And there she is in our driveway! I love the color and am so glad we held out for it! We did have to get the in-seat entertainment, which we didn't want and didn't want to pay for, but it will be nice to have when we drive to Minneapolis in a few weeks. We're just going to have to have stringent rules about when we turn it on and how often we use it.


Anonymous said...


Grandpa Bill likee!

amber c. said...


Sarah said...

I think you'll find the in-seat entertainment system quite nice for long drives. Our boys know we never turn on a movie unless we're going on a long drive, like to Minneapolis, Denver, etc., and they don't even ask at other times.