Saturday, December 31, 2011

Happy New Year!

So, Pete's in the hospital for new year's eve. We came in around noon because he was in a lot of pain-thought he had a kidney stone. The CT scan showed that he didn't, but he does have appendicitis. They'll be doing surgery some time tonight. We've spoken with the surgeon (dr. Michael Ujiki, for those of you keeping track) and I liked him pretty well. The dog is with the Huelkes and the kids are with Sharon. Henry asked me if dad would be like a zombie when he came out of the surgery and I (unthinking) said yes, kind of. Then Clara got nervous that dad was going to be a zombie. Poor girl. She was very sweet this morning-bringing him lovies and boxes of tissues.
So, now Pete and I are just watching tv and listening to the strange noises from the hallway. Happy New Year!!

1 comment:

joyceetta said...

Peter....I know all will go well....but I'll be thinking of you until I hear more. Love you guys.