Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Memorial Day Weekend

First of all, my birthday was quite lovely. Thanks to Mom and Clara for the cake and all those who sent cards and gifts and called. I felt loved.
 Here are some images from our weekend in Wisconsin. We celebrated my birthday and Dad's birthday and had fun times all around. Check out this face on Eleanor as her dad beats her in Connect 4.
 Dad and Kathie set up minnow races for the kids.
 Penny did some praising.
 We all went out on a big pontoon boat, did some fishing and had a picnic on an island.

 Everything was well documented...
 ...from all angles.
 I loved this picture of Penny.
 All kids got to help Grandpa drive the boat.
 We had lots of chips at the picnic.
 There was fishing.
 And there was fairy house building.
 And a walk in the woods...with no ticks!
 Pete caught a big bass.
 And we read lots of stories together. This one was taken just a few short hours before Henry lost all of his dinner, mostly on Anders' cot. There was a mad shuffle of cleaning and rearranging sleeping kids.
Henry got sick one more time in the night, then once at the beginning (literally, one minute into starting out) of the car ride home and once, in Sunset, at the end of the drive. We kept him home this morning and it was a good thing, because he didn't keep his breakfast down.
By all accounts all other kids are still healthy. Tomorrow we'll really try to get back to normal!
Thanks, Dad and Kathie, for a great weekend!!

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