Tuesday, May 08, 2012

More Treehouse

Dad's back! Here's how the fort (playhouse? mini cabin? Still not sure what to call it.) looked when I got home from work yesterday. That's not a hangman's gallows, it's a pulley arm.
 It had rained all morning, so Dad got a lot of work done inside. You can see the two bunks, as well as the plywood floor which will help keep bugs out. You can also see how tall it is inside. Pete and I can both stand up comfortably inside.
 This is a view from the window back to the main house. The windows will have screens, also to keep bugs out.
 In this shot you can see the trapdoor in the floor.
Today the weather was a lot nicer. Painting happened!!

1 comment:

amber c. said...

it's amazing. i know i keep saying that, but it really is. can't wait to see it in person!