Thursday, January 10, 2013

The most wonderful time of the year...

My life tends to be pretty crazy from November 21st through January 8th. I know, it's a crazy time for everyone...
Here are some pictures from our trip to Iowa. We left on December 27th, after having a last-minute visit from our good friends Aaron and Emily and their 2 kids. They were stuck at OHare. A snowstorm out east was preventing them from getting from IC back to their home in New Jersey. We were delighted to get the chance to see them and host them in our crazy post-Christmas house for a night. 
Anyway- once in Iowa we had Christmas first at Dad and Kathie's. This year I think things worked out really well with gifts. We drew names and tried to keep the $ down. It was nice to just spend the time together and not get so overburdened with gift opening. This was the first year that the kids really seemed to get into looking at and figuring out the mint coin sets that Grandma and Grandpa always give them for Christmas. It was fun to see this smart little bunch taking interest in that. Thanks Grandma and Grandpa!
 Someone got lucky with this little gift. Hi Penny!!
 The cousins had a great time together. We also enjoyed good food and lots of chatting. Sandy and I sort of took over on 2 big jigsaw puzzles. We worked on them late at night and I really just enjoyed the quiet chatting with her. Yay Sandy!
 The next day was Christmas with Mom at Rob and Carrie's. The girls got some sweet new stocking caps.
 The boys enjoyed Eleanor and Penny's new couch.
 There was lots of commotion.
 Frederick hung out with Aunt Sandy a bit.
 And Penny tried on her new hat. I know her parents were confused by this gift (see Carrie's face) but it seems that often when we video chat, Penny is wandering around with things on her head. So I thought this would be fun for her.
 Anders got the gift of one of my old violins. He is taking it very seriously. I think he really might already have the knack for it. It sounds like he might be taking lessons soon.
Also, while in town, we took a trip down to Burlington to see all of the relatives there and so Frederick could meet more of his family. He was well received and we all ate lots of cookies. Unfortunately, my camera battery had died and I didn't have the charger with me. I'll get pictures off my phone and share another time. 
We got the chance to spend time with Amber on her birthday. Hooray for yummy food, cake and friends! 
We also got to see Darcie and had some fun at the Iowa Children's museum. I hadn't been there before and was pretty impressed! Of course, Darcie's on the board, so you know it's going to be nothing less than fabulous. 
 And that brings us up to Clara's birthday party! This was really her first party with friends from school. Here she is with Anna and her two best Emilys from school. They were playing a little freeze-dance. You can see Henry in the background doing some breakdance moves.
 Everything was a Hello Kitty theme. Here's pin-the-bow-on-Hello-Kitty.
 Here's the birthday girl with her Hello Kitty cupcakes. Also take note of my pretty new cake plate- a Christmas gift from my attentive husband.
 Here's the birthday crew.
 Mom came in town to spend some time with Frederick and to be here for Clara's birthday. Good thing too, we've all been a little down with colds, so it was nice to have the extra help. Hopefully she stays healthy now!
 Frederick was enjoying Clara's bean bag chair.
 Since the party was a few days before Clara's actual birthday, we didn't have much decorating to do for the big day. Five is a pretty big birthday, so there were plenty of spoils.
 Clara had a crown from celebrating at school. I also got to go in for special treat time and I stayed to read a few stories and play outside with the kids.
 Grandma Mary joined us for dinner at Benihana and Bampa joined up with us later at home for cake and presents. Clara enjoyed leading us all in singing to her. She REALLY wanted her "5" candle AND the five candles (lest you think we couldn't count).
 Among the special gifts for this birthday was an American Girl doll from Grandma Mary. Meet Rebecca. I don't think this will be the last you see of her. She and Clara are already fast friends. dancing in the background.
 Grammie made angel food cake, of course, and it was delicious.
 Clara also got some dress up clothes from her Grammie, which she thought was pretty funny. Here she is with a sparkly scarf. There are also matching sparkly silver long gloves and shoes, which Grammie actually wore to a college dance, once upon a time. 

I'm pretty lucky to get to be the mom to such a cool little 5-year-old girl! 

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