Friday, December 01, 2006

More of our snowy day

Henry helps his papa shovel...
Please don't chastise me for letting him outside in his rain boots. They were all we had. I put two pairs of socks on him and figured that it was better to have chilly toes than to miss out on the experience of the snow.

His first serious attempts at walking through the snow...

We made a snowman!!

Our tax dollars at work... we were excited to be outside when the big tractor came by! Then he turned around and came back again! Good stuff.

Proof that I do have the qualifications to deal with this weather:


W.F. Decker said...

All we got was a little rain and sleet. I have the snow blade on the tractor now but I have nothing to go out and plow!! Love the snowman. Would have been fun to play with Henry in the snow.

Anonymous said...

i knew there had been a winter storm advisory, but didn't know the extent of it till i was a few miles from the IA/IL border on my way to work yesterday. surprise!
i always think it's kind of wonderous when you go to bed in autumn and wake up in winter.
hope the snowman sticks around for awhile!