Thursday, November 06, 2008

Some pictures of our day

Actually, this one was taken yesterday. I decided to try to save some of my geraniums this winter. We'll see how that goes. I'm supposed to prune them to 1/3 their size, but I'm having a little trouble with that step...
Franklin asked to make an appearance in the blog. He thought the sun was good light to show off his graying snout.
Today Henry and I went out to rake some leaves. Clara went out to try to eat some leaves. She was moderately successful.
Henry thought it was very funny how the leaves had landed in the crotch of the tree.
Despite appearances, he did not throw leaves all over his sister. Nor did he hit her with a rake.
I did get some pictures of him without the headband on, but I love his expression in this shot. He knew he was looking good.
And here's Princess Bubbles in her bath.


Carrie and Rob said...

Sweep the leg, Henry!

Mama Tchou-Tchou said...

What dolls! And I love the McEnroe thing going on there, Henry!