Saturday, April 25, 2009


So, yesterday Pete skipped work- knowing it was going to be really nice out- and we went to the Brookfield Zoo. We met up with Kevin, Beth and Max there and a grand time was had by all. It was packed with field trips, but Kevin managed his fear of children and we did okay.
Here's Henry in front of the lions at the beginning of our day. That jacket was quickly shed and sunblock applied.
After big cats we went down and saw the dolphins and seals. This was about when Henry started noticing the Mold-A-Rama machines. His heart was really set on going home with a plastic mold. I was torn between allowing him to have one (because, who doesn't love Mold-A-Rama?) and teaching him about saying no to plastic.
There is a special exhibit at the zoo right now. It's a bunch of life-sized robotic dinosaurs. Note Henry's fingers lodged deep in his ears. He verged between being mildly alarmed and being on the brink of bolting.
The t-rex didn't help. I, however, was highly amused by its flappy little arms. Notice Henry still has his fingers in his ears. He was also saying "let's get out of here!"
I was also amused by the signage. Now, of course, Henry says that the dinosaurs were his favorite part of the zoo.
Next we went to the family farm area of the zoo. We liked the chickens in this henhouse, and also got an idea for the name of our next child.
Henry enjoyed petting this little chick and now thinks he wants to have one in our house.
I liked the baby goats.
I had high hopes that we might get a cute Christmas card shot by this friendly reindeer (named Heidi). I'm not sure this picture will pass muster come December, though.
This picture is just included as proof that I was actually along. Please ignore my ratty hair.
In this picture I imagine Clara is saying "Um, you guys? There's something big on the other side of the pond. I think it's looking at me."
In the monkey house...
Henry wants me to call his picture "tooty head".
He did some nice sketching at the zoo too....I might have to have a post focused on Henry's art coming up some time soon.
Here's the whole crew...dusty, sweaty and tired. Oh...I guess I was holding Clara.
I love the giraffes. I thought this one was the baby, but now I don't think so. It must have been young, though.
Here are Henry and Clara with the baby giraffe statue.
And finally, since you waded through all of that....a video of the dinos.


glow owl said...

oh -this- blog!

the tarydactls are a big contender for coolest dinosaur. (sp?)

the giraffes are my favorites. i love them, with their long eyelashes. have you seen 'no. 1 ladies detective agency' on hbo? last week there was a scene where these two giraffes were whacking each other in the necks. it was so surprising i involuntarily yelped when it happened!

lovely family pictures. very yay!

Sarah said...

That is a great sign for not smoking. Also, did Henry get a plastic mold? That looks like a cool zoo.