Sunday, February 21, 2010

Night Out

A few months back Jeff told us he was planning a trip to Chicago for Amber's birthday, and invited us to spend an evening with them. We decided to reserve a room for the night as well. Last night was the night! The kids stayed with Pete's parents overnight and we took the train downtown. After checking in to the Hotel Allegro (and getting that free upgrade we inquired about!) we met Amber and Jeff and had a quick snack at Petterino's. Fortunately no taxis drove through the windows while we were there. Then we went back to the hotel and tried out their hot chocolate. It was not nearly as good as the hot chocolate at the Monaco, where I stayed with Amber and Ellen in Denver. Still, it was nice to have a hot beverage.
In the elevator Amber tried Pete's hat on. She had trouble believing his head was actually so substantial.
Later we met up with another couple, friends of Amber and Jeff who live in Chicago. We had dinner at Adobo Grill. The margaritas and guacamole were very good. The entrees were fine. Then we went next door to Second City where we laughed until our stomachs hurt.
After that we went across the street to a bar Jamie knew of. It was a cool place, but we didn't really need the beer at that point.
Snacks were desired before heading back to the hotel. I like this picture of Pete looking nervously at the Peeps display.
Amber settled in on some pretzels while Jeff mulled over a $5 t-shirt.
I was appalled by this:
Unfortunately, by the time we got back to the hotel we didn't have much energy for more hanging out. It would have been fun to stay in the bar a bit and watch some Olympics. As it was we went to our separate rooms and, by all accounts, fell asleep pretty quickly. We met up again this morning and while Amber and I waited in the lobby the boys went to fetch the car. After getting us and driving past the parking garage again Jeff said "wait! Where are the donuts?" Apparently the boys had stopped for a pre-breakfast snack. The donuts, however, had been forgotten atop the ticket-paying machine in the parking garage. After a spin around the block Pete ran in to liberate them.
We went to the closest Nookies location and filled up on delicious breakfasts.
And then Amber and Jeff dropped us off at the train station so we could come back home to see our kids! Hooray for a great night away with great friends!

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