Saturday, March 17, 2007

Squirrelly McFluffytail (update)

Squirrelly McFluffytail made a brave escape from our back porch, at least, that is what all evidence indicates at this point in time. Henry was napping and Pete was out of town at the time of the incident. Franklin, surprisingly, was not going crazy insane over the near presence of a squirrel. (Is "near presence" redundant?)
I first noticed Squirrelly McFluffytail when I was sitting on the couch, absorbed in Harry Potter (Half-Blood Prince- more on that later) and I heard a small crash in the back yard. When I looked out I saw that the lid was off the birdseed mini-trashcan. There was a big fluffy tail hopping about. I grabbed the camera and went to a closer window. At this point Squirrelly had clearly figured out that he was trapped, because he was running all over the porch in a horizontal fashion- clinging to the screens trying to find a way out. I took a few pictures, chuckling to myself, while I tried to figure out the quietest way to let Squirrelly out. I envisioned several unpleasant scenarios ranging from the mild (waking Henry up) to the disastrous (me in the backyard, swinging a broom blindly with a rabid squirrel clinging to my face and the dog barking furiously doing circles around my ankles, thus waking Henry).
The actual outcome was anti-climactic. I propped the door open with a rock and came back to the porch where I could keep watch. Squirrelly must have escaped while my back was turned, because I never saw him again. Though, some nights I lie awake listening to the noises of the night, wondering if Squirrelly is out there, once again enjoying his freedom...
The elusive Squirrelly McF tries to hide his face, thus concealing his identity.

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