Monday, June 25, 2007

Catchin' Up

We had Mom here for three weeks. It was so nice and relaxing to have her here. I have to admit- I let her do the dishes a few more times than a woman with a broken arm ought to. On the evening of father's day we met Pete's parents and Liz and Van at Ravinia. Among other yummy treats we had this rhubarb pie that mom made (Pete was having none of the rhubarb) and a little cicada cake that Henry and I just had to get at the bakery.
Henry slipped into Bampa's chair while he was gone...
There was lots of playing while Mom was here too. She and Henry wore each other out. I had to snap this photo. I realized it was blurry, but Henry started to awaken when I tried to take a second, so I tiptoed back out.
Henry liked having someone in the back seat with him for the drive to Iowa City. Grammie knows how to keep him entertained.
While in Iowa City we had breakfast with Rob and Carrie (now a week past due!) In this photo they're demonstrating just how big that baby is getting.
And here they're just being cute.
We spent some time at Dad's (see his blog) and also got to visit Darcie and Pope. Here's adorable little Kirin. Henry was enamored, wanted to hold him and didn't take too much coaxing to sing him a few songs. It didn't hurt that Kirin let Henry play with his little tractor toys.
On the way home we had the requisite stop at Culver's for a little frozen custard and fries.
Now Pete's trying to get Henry settled down so we can maybe watch a little movie and I can do a little knitting. Wish us luck.

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