Saturday, October 31, 2009


First of all...Go Hawks!!! It was a spooky game there for a while!
Here's Henry at breakfast. I was going to make pumpkin pancakes, but didn't get any pumpkin, so we did orange sprinkles and chocolate chips instead. The bat was a project at the library.
Last night, when Pete went to get our Thai take-out, Henry and I quickly decorated Pete's pumpkin. Here's the finished product.
Here we are, about to start our trick-or-treating.
It was cool and windy, but sunny!
Clara was unsure about the whole thing.
After trick-or-treats there was much chaos at our house. Here are the kids eating a little dinner.
Here are the cakes that I couldn't if we needed more sugar. (Also- please note the completely unopened bag of Milky Way in the background! I can't believe we have extra- and I can't believe it's Milky Way instead of something better.)
Here are the poor little girls that just about got trampled by the big boys running crazy around the house. They held their own pretty well.
Now the kids are sleeping. Maybe they'll let us sleep in for that extra hour in the morning....

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