Friday, June 24, 2011


I have so many other things to post about, but I'm still interested in sharing pictures from the storm. I took these pictures from my car today, with my phone. Yesterday we didn't leave the house at all, which was a good thing because traffic was still tied up all over town with lights out. 
This picture was taken on Maple, across from the jr. high. It shows the branches waiting for cleanup. (It also shows the reflection of my ipass.)

 Here's another picture taken on Maple. This huge tree was broken in the backyards about a block away from our house. There were another couple on the same block just as big.
 Even closer to our house, just around the corner, this power line has been down. I suspect the huge tree in the last picture (a couple houses down from this one) landed on the wires and snapped this pole.
Our power never went out, thankfully. But the library is closed for the 3rd day in a row and some friends and neighbors are just getting their power back.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Glad you came out unscathed. This is why I always kind of worry about the maple that leans over your house.

Your concerned dad!