Sunday, June 05, 2011


It's been very busy times at school. We have a big building project going on. The 'wing' that my classroom is in isn't having construction, exactly, but we are having all of our cabinetry pulled out, plumbing work done (we have a sink in the classroom), new carpeting put in and painting done. Next year we'll have new furniture too. So this year- before the last day of school, which is Thursday, we have to have every last paperclip packed up. In addition to the regular end-of-year work, report cards and whatnot, it's been a lot of work. 
In the meantime, though, we had a nice visit last weekend from Kevin and Beth. They were up from Belize for a family wedding. They spent Saturday night with us and we had a fun time hanging out. Max was staying with his grandparents, so we didn't get to see him this time.
 After their visit I developed a cold that stuck around and really drug me down for several days. That was a bummer. I'm starting to feel better, but we did decide to stay home instead of heading to Iowa City for the weekend as we had been planning. It sounds like we missed a really good Arts Fest. But we took the opportunity to work on a project. We got the idea from Carrie's friend Samantha, who made a couple of these for her girls.
 Pete and Henry did the sawing and drilling while Clara and I went to Sharon's to use the sewing machine. I told Sharon about my fear of sewing and she set me right up and made me do most of the work myself. The hems are a little wonky, but I'm hoping nobody will be looking too closely.

That's it from us for now! 3 more days of kindergarten for Henry!! You'll hear from me again after that, probably.

1 comment:

amber c. said...

the tents look great. i'm really proud of you!! come visit so you can help me with one for miss a! tho i think maybe i need more help with the drilling bits than the sewing bits!