Monday, July 10, 2006

More from the reunion

I thought I was finished with photos of Paul Bunyan Land, but then Mary sent me a few more. Here's Pete and I on the Tilt-A-Whirl, and Henry practicing his wave from the boats. He rode with his second cousins (once removed?) Taylor and Ethan. This Tilt-A-Whirl ride was crazy. Van and Liz were the only other riders and we thought the guy would never let us off. He did have sort of an evil glint in his eye.

I don't think I mentioned how hot it was Saturday morning while we were at Paul Bunyan Land. It was hot, and the place has little shade. Henry was covered in sunblock, and shaded in his stroller, but as soon as we got in the car after about 2 hours of Olde Tyme entertainment, he asked for some water, took a couple of sips and then conked out.
He was asleep for at least an hour and a half- through a diaper change, transfer to the stroller, lunch, transfer to the car and the drive back to the Garrison Inn. When he awoke he was perky as could be. He had a snack and we took a dip in the pool before heading back out to the lake house. I realize this is not a good photo of me, but Henry looks really cute. He enjoyed reading in the hammock. We were practicing counting, but he wouldn't let me get past "one" without clapping and saying "yay!"

More explanation about this photo will be coming soon. Yes, that is Bartelby my garden gnome. No, he did not ride up with us.

There was a lovely heron hanging out on the dock next to Steve and Pat's. Henry got a nice up-close look at it. I would point, he would look and then he would say "duck!" Duck was also his name for the loons we saw, though with much coaching he did eventually say "oon".

Here's a shot of the whole crew...

And finally, we had to get a photo of Henry with the giant walleye before leaving town. He did not care for the giant walleye one you can tell from the second photo. Had he known we were about to get in the car and drive for 12 hours he might not have been so determined to get away. Or, maybe he knew we were on our way to the Norske Nook.


amber c. said...

12 hours of driving? that's a chore for anyone, let alone a lil boy!

amber c. said...

also. i just caught myself WHISTLING "reunited and it feels so good..." at WORK! thankyouverymuch for that.

Carrie and Rob said...

i like that your trip was so chock full of large fiberglass statuary--paul and babe, the giant walleye, etc. very summer-vacation-in-america.
