Sunday, September 17, 2006

Handy Dandys

While I did not get my bathrooms cleaned, nor my nightstand straightened up (really, it only takes a few moments, why do I put it off so?) Pete and I did manage to get quite a bit done today.
We started out with a trip to Kohls (for socks) and Pier 1 (to exchange a gift for a new lamp) and then went to The Container Store where we picked up some cute hangers for Henry's closet, a couple not-cute ones for mine and various other things.
And then we accomplished the following:

New kitchen faucet installed by Pete.

Various pictures finally hung around the house.

Cute little magnetic strips hung in Henry's room, to display masterpieces and postcards from such exotic places as Italy and the Iowa State Fair.

Other various things finally hung in Henry's room, including his valances and new shades. So long ugly pink mis-matched shade!

Finally I turned on my new lamp...
New Lamp

...and read a bit. Oh. I also managed to get several loads of laundry done. And our driveway got meticulously swept, but that was by the neighbor girls-who were paid a dollar each for the service. One more reason to love this neighborhood!


Anonymous said... the new kitchen faucet and the stuff in Henry's room. Glad you are getting stuff done and making the house "yours"

Anonymous said...

just checking to see if i can comment. nice handywork! no. won't let me post under my blogger identity. what is up? -a

Mama Tchou-Tchou said...

Ouf! You (and Ellen, too) are going to put us all to shame! I LOVE that you left the bee up, by the way... & everything -- everything's gorgeous!