Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Oh the Ups and Downs of Life

We have been riding the ups and downs of life these last couple of weeks.
We were happy to see some of our dearest friends, but sad that the occasion was on the loss of Amber's dad.

We enjoyed some precious time with our family, which always seems to remind us that we never do have enough time together.
We delighted in meeting new little Kirin. He is as pleasant as we were told.
We were graced with the gift of a new lamp. Mary and Peter let us pick it out as a graduation gift. My lane change has finally gone through. My official graduation was in December, but they pro-rated my pay to October 10th, the day after I passed my comps! The benefits lady at school said it was the most confusing new contract she had ever had to make (from bachelors + 12 to masters + 0, pro-rated to October 10th, pro-rated to 50% + 2.5 days at previous per diem rate + 2.5 days at new per diem rate = whatever I make now).
We were happy to join friends to watch the Super Bowl (can you tell which cookie Henry got his hands on?) but, of course, sad about the outcome of the game. It was actually more fun to watch the boys play together. It was the first time I had really seen them play together. They talked to each other, copied each other and followed one another around.
The weather has been torturous. Yet, the science teacher at school created this bit of whimsy in the courtyard....just because. At the base are a couple of frozen water balloons.
Henry is busily getting ready for Valentine's day. Tomorrow we have a whole day of crafting planned. We should probably start working on cookies as well...
And now I think we're all caught up...

1 comment:

amber c. said...

sweet post.