Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Good Books....that are not Harry Potter

Rob posted about the Golden Compass movie...I introduced him to the books, so I had to find out what my daemon would be as well. In the books each person has a 'daemon' which is sort of an animal incarnation of their soul, but also is their best friend. The daemon is always the opposite gender of the person and it's animal personality reflects the personality of the person. You can tell me if you agree with my assessment...it determined my daemon to be a jackal, but it could change, depending on your answers. I notice, for example, that based on my answers it describes me as modest and humble. While these may be accurate for my understanding of myself, I do recognize that my outward appearance may not always come off in that way. Probably similar to how most people would probably not describe Rob as shy....but I've known him longer than most.
Note: If you're checking to see if you agree, you have to click and drag on the little slider.


Anonymous said...

apparently I just changed you into a small shrew. Sorry about that.

Mama Tchou-Tchou said...

heh! heh! I'm a whippet named Aeschylus...
But the one for you didn't let me get past the 2nd question!

Mama Tchou-Tchou said...

Uhm... well, you're now a butterfly!

sarah90046 said...

From a jackal to a butterfly. huh.

Mama Tchou-Tchou said...

Have you ever read the Susan Cooper series?
The Dark is Rising; Over Sea, Under Stone; The Grey King; Silver on the Tree; Greenwitch...
I highly recommend them. In fact, about 30 years after my initial reading, I've just ordered them off of the net for another round... And found out there's a film (The Seeker - the dark is rising) coming out this autumn! Hm. Don't know how I feel about that...