Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Henry's first correctly-used swear...

...and other hilarious things he's said recently.

In the car tonight Pete was playing some sweet 80's tunes that he's 'studying' to play with some bands at the Shure ice cream social. Sunglasses at Night, Jump, Everybody Wants To Rule The World, Everybody's Workin' For The Weekend and Final Countdown. Fantastic songs, all. At one point during Jump I said to Henry "Henry, how does this song make you feel?" and Henry said, without missing a beat, "sick". He proceeded to say that each of the other songs also made him feel sick. So I finally asked him what music made him feel good and he said "Um, kind of, Johnny Cash".

Earlier today Henry and I were doing a little inside playing while waking up from our naps. He wanted to go outside, which I kept trying to avoid because it was so hot out. Finally he looked at my watch, tapped it with his finger and said "Mom, it's baseball time".

And finally, yesterday Henry was following his dad through the doggy gate that separates the kitchen from the family room. He must have had a little trouble opening it or bumped himself or something because suddenly, in frustration, he said "Ow. Dammick!"


sarah90046 said...

no way! I hear the some variation of "damn it" is Sofia's *swear* word as well. Where do there tots pick it up? BTW, Henry is hysterical.

W.F. Decker said...

Henry's "swearing" sounds a lot like Popeye's.

Anonymous said...

"the final countdown" makes me feel sick, too!

Anonymous said...

Johnny Cash indeed! gotta love that boy....even if he does sound like his Papa when he swears.

Mama Tchou-Tchou said...

Uhm... I'm not sure if I should share this one, but... when my boys were only-just-two (and just after a friend of mine had shared a similar story about her 2-yr-old, about which I'd laughed and laughed and...), I banged my hand and spilled some juice on the pile of newly-washed clothes in the kitchen, and in the time it took me to take in my breath, Tomi looked up in utter innocence and sighed, with a raising of the eyebrows, "Fu-u-u-Xk!" as though this were so obviously an F-word moment we should all share...
p.s. I agree with Henry on the question of our dear, departed Johnny Cash... >sigh<

earthmama said...

heehee--that's a funny story. i've wandered onto your page from checking out rob and carrie's blog list. i'm relatively new to blogging, so in some ways it feels like i'm snooping seeing as we've never met ;) but i hear a lot about henry from c&r and enjoyed the photos and stories. he is certainly a cutie!