Tuesday, August 07, 2007

A breakfast conversation

Henry: Mom, is Franklin made out of plastic?

Me: No, he's not made out of plastic.

H: What is he made out of?

Me: What is he made out of?

H: I don't know.

Me: What are you made out of?

H: Um. I don't know. What are you made out of?

Me: I am made out of skin and bones and muscles and blood.

H: Franklin is made out of bones and muscle and blood and um...bone and muscles. And I'm made out of bones! And muscles! ... Mom, watch my spoon fly.

Me: No.

H: (throws his spoon across the table)

Me: .

H: I want my spoon!

.....just a little taste of our breakfast time conversation.

1 comment:

Mama Tchou-Tchou said...

Sounds familiar. Only when we get to the spoon-throwing types of moments, my response these days is more like this: !!!!!!!!??!!!?!!?!!!!!?? I need to start yoga classes. Or karate.