Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Red is the color of bargain shopping

Henry and I made a trip to the Salvation Army today, in search of some toy trucks and maybe a lamp for Pete. We found a fairly cool lamp, but the cord was suspect so we left it behind.
And then we stumbled across these beauties: A complete set of four! Not actually old, but the style we've been looking for- to go with the $12 table I got at an auction in Burlington years ago. I have two chairs that are white-ish gray to match the table, but the chrome is a mess and the chairs don't really match that well anyway (see a corner of current table and chair in following photo). So we thought we'd try red. They came with a red table (though I was willing to pay the price for the chairs alone). Not sure yet if we'll keep the table or sell it. We'll let you know- in case anyone is looking for a vintage (I think actually old) table in red....with a leaf, not quite as handy as the pull-out sides on the current table.
Henry's delightful find:
A sweet red "it-goes-by-itself" VW with doors that open! For all of 40 cents!


Anonymous said...

I like the Lego guy in the lower right of the chair photo. He seems like he might need help.

Betsy said...

He's not a Lego guy, he's a train guy. Haven't you been around for the conversations recently?
"Mom? Is this a Lego guy?"
"No, he goes with your trains."
"Why's he in the Legos?"
"We'll just keep him with your Lego zoo for now, so he doesn't get lost."
"But is he a Lego guy?"

amber c. said...

those chairs rock. i'm glad for checking in for a mid-day update!

Anonymous said...

oh yeah. A train guy. With one partially chewed hand.

W.F. Decker said...

It is usually easy to replace the cord in a lamp. Pete can do that for you.

Anonymous said...

The chair is great! I was going to make the same suggestion as Bill....cords are very easy to replace.'re just as cute as when I last saw you! Hey, I'm didn't tell us how much you had to give for the chairs.

Betsy said...

Well, it wasn't as good a deal as the table for $12 at the auction. The table and chairs together were priced at $55.

amber c. said...

that's still a very good deal in my opinion!

sarah90046 said...

B, your old chairs are the exact match to my very similar and inherited from grandmother kitchen table. Too bad I am not in the market for chairs. Just FYI.

Anonymous said...

this post might set a record for most comments. i guess this comment helps contribute to that, huh?

Mama Tchou-Tchou said...

Oh, I thought Henry'd found the celery!
p.s. BEAUTIFUL chairs--!!