Here I am, at 2 in the morning. Wide awake. Henry woke up and needed to cough, which woke me and caused me to realize I needed to eat. So I came in and made myself a piece of toast, which made Franklin realize he needed to bark, which caused the big ol' raccoon outside to realize that he needed to waddle out from under the grill, which made Franklin need to bark even more, which made Pete come into the kitchen and ask me if I was having breakfast. Franklin is still at a low rumble, I'm still a little bit hungry, Pete seems to be coughing a bit now, but hopefully Henry is resting.
I Googled images for 'raccoon' and this was my favorite of what came up. "Mrs. Coolidge and her pet raccoon (Rebecca)". Something in me still likes the style of the first ladies of old.
What's the deal with those persistent coughs? Any changes for the better?
Yeah, I don't like it either. What's up?
Don't like the coughs, either, but I do love your manner of telling the story!
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